Silently installing NVIDIA GPU Display Driver

  1. First stage installer uses 7zSFX, so a lot of those command-line arguments are applicable (except, unhelpfully, -h). See (although this is annoyingly formatted).
  2. Second stage installer uses InstallShield IIRC. See:

Silent Installation

$InstallerArguments = @(
        "-InstallPath=`"`""   # First-stage installer: Override the default installer extraction path with an empty value. This causes 7zSFX to create its own temporary directory.
        "-Delete=`"`""        # First-stage installer: Override the default installer extraction path to be deleted with an empty value.
        "-gm2"                # First-stage installer: Do not display GUI.
        "-y"                  # First-stage installer: Do not prompt for confirmation.

        "-!"                  # First-stage installer: Indicate the end of 7zSFX parameters. All remaining parameters are passed to the second-stage installer.

        "/noeula"             # Second-stage installer: Do not display EULA prompt.
        "/passive"            # Second-stage installer: Passive 
        "/noreboot"           # Second-stage installer: No reboot
        "/s"                  # Second-stage installer: Silent    

Start-Process -FilePath "473.81-quadro-rtx-desktop-notebook-win10-win11-64bit-international-dch-whql.exe" -ArgumentList $InstallerArguments -Wait

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